Who 'owns' the Costumer? (Mini-Case Study: 10.2)
Q. What
would you suggest in order to solve this intra-organizational conflict?
It is normal
that the HQ has a continuous need for ongoing status information and a dialog
on strategy and vision at the same time. Hence, I
suggest that to solve this intra-organizational conflict and determine who really owns the customer the HQ have to adopt a matrix organizational structure as it
will facilitate the responsiveness and effectiveness of participation from
different parts of the organization at the same time through maintaining
integrity from all sides and levels. Also, to keep
all projects constituents on the same page with HQ, ensuring there is no
breakdowns in processes and to enhance
the communication side a matrix approach shall be followed as well to identify
exactly how an individual or a project is communicating with its own
stakeholders and customers and determining the communications needs and level.