Transferring Valve Production from Japan to Taiwan (Mini-Case Study: 11.1)

Q1. What kinds of problem impeding knowledge transfer in international projects can you identify?

The main problems that impeded knowledge transfer in this project was :
1- Lack of Transparency: Lack of transparency will result in distrust and insecurity. Transparency can be a key value in any project management because it can improve  performance and productivity, and by keeping the development process transparent and understandable for both involved teams information will be synchronized within work and  decisions will be aligned according to the current project status.
2- Communication Issues: Project communication can be the number one success or failure factor behind any project. However, it is obvious to run through language barriers in some occasions. Hence, translators and translation software will be necessary when planning for international projects.

Q2. How was knowledge created and transferred?

Based on the SECI model, knowledge here is continuously converted and created as a user practice. Therefore, a great effort has been put into investigating its practical applicability of the model. The issue is that culture acts as a limiting factor. While knowledge creation and transfer is a fundamental part of the project process and will depend on the complexity of all activities.

This company is a great example of complex activities that need to be reviewed in comparison with tasks performed. Here, knowledge transfer is developed through personal experience and embedded through particular routines, norms, decisions, and interpersonal dynamics involved.