Mountain Man Beer Company (Case Study Analysis)
Study Analysis 1)
Summary :
introduce the light beer by some other name in the U.S. Chris, must consider
both advantages and disadvantages of taking this approach. As an advantage, penetrating into a potential market of almost $38 Billion of sales annually is expected to increase the
Also, meeting the growing demands of younger generations and distributors will represent 28% of the market and lead to a great presence in restaurants and pubs where Mountain Man had no previous existence.
Also, meeting the growing demands of younger generations and distributors will represent 28% of the market and lead to a great presence in restaurants and pubs where Mountain Man had no previous existence.
the disadvantage of the mentioned option, he will be adding additional
advertising costs, that will result to weaken the brand name leverage, product
cannibalization, and brand erosion. Hence, the potential brand image will be damaged,
and will result in a brand change in the perception that has been linked to the average worker
with middle to low income class.
advertising costs, that will result to weaken the brand name leverage, product
cannibalization, and brand erosion. Hence, the potential brand image will be damaged,
and will result in a brand change in the perception that has been linked to the average worker
with middle to low income class.
Another disadvantage would be the potential risk in investments due to the rise of
such as marketing $750,000 and other SG&A expenses estimated at $900,000 which could
financially drain the company. The last disadvantage is the nature of the beer market
compared to Mountain Man’s capabilities in marketing spending and that other powerful
competitors has much more capabilities to spend.
Recommendations :
such as marketing $750,000 and other SG&A expenses estimated at $900,000 which could
financially drain the company. The last disadvantage is the nature of the beer market
compared to Mountain Man’s capabilities in marketing spending and that other powerful
competitors has much more capabilities to spend.
Recommendations :
launch the Mountain Man Light via by a brand extension, and not changing the
launch a new product using a new and separated marketing mix (Product,
Price, Place Promotion)
advertise the new brand using the same old name through Online Media and Social
provide price offers if bought in high quantity to convince retailers to stock and
package and label the brand efficiently.
get more presence on locations like bars, pubs, and restaurants which are
frequented by younger generation market.
keep on distribution and advertising to the old brand following a Multi-brand
distribution system.
of Mountain Light
Nett revenue: $50,440,000
•Barrel sold 520,000
•Selling price per barrel $97
0.25% Market Share Every Year
•Light beer market share in 2005:18,744,303With 4% CAGR:2006:
19,494,075 MMBC market share: 48,7352007: 20,273,838 MMBC market share:
101,369MMBC Revenue from light beer 2006:48,735x97
=$ 4,727,295
MMBC Revenue from light beer 2007:101,369 x97
=$ 9,832,793
Feasibility Analysis
Break Even Point = Fixed cost/Variable cost($900k +$750k)/($66.93+$4.69)$1.650k/$(97-71.62)=
65,012 barrels
Significant low revenue will be granted by introducing the light beer with a different name at the beginning. But developing brand loyalty over years with a new segment of the product line extensions will help the company obtain a greater shelf space and will create better product focus among distributors and retailers. Hence, to observe the competitor's price and strategy the company should carry out market research to determine the best pricing strategy. But it is important that price must not be too low in order to break even and not high fearing low sales.
Significant low revenue will be granted by introducing the light beer with a different name at the beginning. But developing brand loyalty over years with a new segment of the product line extensions will help the company obtain a greater shelf space and will create better product focus among distributors and retailers. Hence, to observe the competitor's price and strategy the company should carry out market research to determine the best pricing strategy. But it is important that price must not be too low in order to break even and not high fearing low sales.
Study Analysis 2)
Man Brewing Company is a family-owned brewery located in West Virginia that has
been strong presence as a larger brand in this region. Ever since, it has marketed
towards the blue-collar, middle to lower-income population in the region with
its bitter, higher alcohol content lager. Over the years its brand identity has
been associated as an old school, regional brewing company and its consistency
in taste and blend. It has, therefore, created a legacy as “West Virginia’s
Beer” and a “Working man’s beer” and has not deviated from its core branding,
maintaining itself as a single product company.
We will explore the pros and cons of creating
a light version of the brew and other strategic options for growth if this
brand extension is not launched or if the launch is unsuccessful. We will
demonstrate that launching a light beer product shows promise for improved
profit through 2010.
The company of
Mountain man revenue decreased by 2% in 2005
Negative impact
of Mountain Man Light on sales of Mountain Man Lager (erosion rate from 5% to
Potential growth
for Mountain Man in Light Beer market is ~0.25% each year.
Market for Light
beer is 18.7 million barrels.
potential scenarios of Launching Mountain Man Light Beer:
1. Positive
scenario: Erosion level 5%, revenue
declined 2%, annual growth in Light Beer 0.25%.
2. Neutral
scenario: Erosion level 12.5%, revenue
declined 2%, annual growth in Light Beer 0.2%.
1 Scenario
first scenario suggests the erosion level of 5% only because people usually do
not change their preferences, at least quickly. We also assume that the YoY
decline rate for revenue is 2%, which is less then that of the market due to
very good brand awareness and loyalty.
In this case, the project will be profitable in the second year:
1 Scenario
Year 1 Profit
2005 Profit Level:
Lost CM of Lager due to Launch of
Year 2 Profit
Total Profit/Loss
2 Scenario
The second scenario suggests an erosion level of 12.5%. We also assume that the
YoY decline rate is still the same and the growth rate in the light beer market
is slightly lower at 0.2%.
In this case the introduction of light beer to the market will be almost
breakeven in the second year:
This result is also good because the company will start earning additional profit
from the third year.
3 Scenario
The worst scenario
assumes an erosion rate of 20%, which is highly unlikely. It also assumes that
MM Revenue Decline Rate is the same as that for the whole lager market. The
chance that the MM Lager decline rate will double is very low, given the fact
that the MM lager brand has great awareness and loyalty on the
market. The final assumption is that the Light Beer market growth rate is only
the third scenario shows that the project will be profitable from the fourth
year, we cannot underestimate it, because it is the worst scenario, which makes
the project even more attractive.
Risk and Awards:
An underlying fact of life for
Mountain Man Beer is that lager sales are projected to decline by a minimum of
2% annually(Appendix). The highest growth segment in the beer industry is light
beer and Mountain Man Beer would need to diversify its product portfolio in
order to compensate for a potential decline in lager sales in the future.
However, to introduce Mountain Man Light, the company would have to consider a
possible cannibalization of Mountain Man Lager by Mountain Man Light that would
end up hurting the sales of its core brand.
An advertising campaign in the east-central region would cost around $750,000 every year. The incremental selling,
general, and administrative (SG&A) costs would be an annual $900,000. Even
considering a 5% loss in sales for Mountain Man Lager, there should be enough
barrels of Mountain Man Light sold during two years to compensate for the loss from
the introduction of the light beer. While a short term investment could be
avoided under a “do-nothing” strategy, over a short period of time, the revenue
from Mountain Man Lager would eventually only reduce assuming the beer market
grows based on its segment projections and based on revenue decline compared to
previous years (2% decline in revenue). While the light beer market would
continue to grow, Mountain Man Beer would be at risk of fading away from public
conscience and due to low visibility among newer, younger consumers. By 2010,
Mountain Man revenues would have declined by 9.2% compared to 2005 (Based on
revenue in 2005 and projected revenue of $45,593,765 in 2010 from an annual
revenue loss of 2%). While Mountain Man may keep its existing customer base
satisfied, that customer base is being replaced in the coming years.
the initial investment and the increased production costs and SG&A costs
would cause a dent in the first year of introduction, considering an annual
market share growth by a quarter-point by the introduction of Mountain Man
Light, the company positions itself as a diverse player in the beer industry.
In conclusion, under all
scenarios, we will cover the losses within the first three years. Even if the
adverting cost will be doubled ($750,000*2=$1500000), we will remain to get a positive profit. But we decided to keep advertising cost for every year as
stated on our case as $750,000. Moreover,
one of the main assumptions that the company will gain the share only among the
domestic producers of the light and premium beer makes the project perspectives
even brighter. By working
diligently as it always has, to satisfy its new customer base, Mountain Man
Light has a great potential to grow based on the reputation of the company as
well as the growth in the market itself.
We strongly advise launching MM Light Beer, it will be profitable in
any case!