MasterTag (Case Study)
Q1. Explain the key benefits of the revised
approach and the reason for the benefit?
The key benefits to the revised approach is
that tags are sent directly to the growers. The growers will then be able to
order another set of tags once the plants have grown since they will have
surplus in plants. The main reason of the approach is based on not having a plenty
of un-used tags shipped to the grower from the seed companies.
Q2. Master tag has not yet decided to
implement this plan. list the pros and cons you think should be considered?
The pros is:
The tags will not leave the seed from plantation till it reaches the retail customer.
2- The grower is able to order new tags directly
from MasterTags.
3- The seeds company don't have to sort and send
off their order to the growers.
4- The seed companies won't have a surplus of
tags in their warehouse.
5- The grower would be better to utilize the
process of order from MasterTag because they would know what plants survived from the seeds.