Managing the Ethics of Internet Censorship: Where Next for the Global Network Imitative? (Case Study)

Q1. What are the main challenges for ICT firms in protecting human rights in the area of freedom of expression and privacy?

The main challenge is when the internet service companies deal with demands from governments about blocking, filtering, and removing content, then there is a risk that the human rights of freedom of expression are violated. This confers certain responsibilities on companies to respect these rights to maintain the openness of online communication. Also, the challenge is to clearly define such responses with transparency, accountability, and in accordance with existing laws in order to uphold the rights of internet users accused when violating the law.

Q2. How would you characterize the approach used by ICT firms to address these challenges prior to the establishment of the GNI?

The prior challenge is the lacking of awareness of information security problems and the fast development of systems, as well as the increasing capacity of reaching information and communication. Fewer countries had appropriate legal frameworks to meet these challenges. Even when awareness is growing and legislations may be more adequate, the capacity to use information security technologies and all other related procedures detects and responds less effectively to cybercrime. As a result, more reports of cybercrime may create a need for a more accurate estimate of the prevalence of cybercrime.

Q3. Set the main strength and weaknesses of the GNI as a way of managing business ethics. How would you assess its likelihood of success given its current design, and what would enhance its potential for achieving its aim?

Strength: In many countries, freedom from internet censorship has been one of the economic competitive advantages.
Weakness: Bringing in other relevant stakeholders that have either been excluded or that have chosen to remain outside the initiative so far.

Q4. Looking forward, what should the key performance indicators be for GNI companies, and how should these be measured?

The Key Performance Indicators evaluates the success of the organization. Success might be the repeated achievement of different levels of operational goals and in making progress toward strategic goals. Choosing the right KPI relies on a good understanding of what is important to the organization and what is not. There is a need to understand very well what is important to an organization, a variety of techniques to assess the present situation of the business, and that the key activities are associated with the selection of performance indicators.

Q5. Asses the appropriateness of GNI as a model for use in managing other ethical issues for ICT firms, or for other sectors entirely.

Before the development of GNI ICT has led to the growth of new forms of national and transnational crimes, and these crimes have no boundaries and may affect any country. As a result there is a need for more awareness, better policy formation, and professional legislation to prevent computer-related crimes. Also, the right to free expression should not be restricted by any government except in circumstances based on international laws or standards. These restrictions must be consistent with the international human rights laws, and to be necessary and proportionate for the relevant purpose.